


Scott Baer, the man, the myth, the Zaddy, was a force to be reckoned with. Born and raised in the United States, Scott was always a little… different. He had a penchant for the bizarre and the absurd. He graduated from the prestigious Le Cordon Bleu culinary school in Paris, where he honed his skills as a chef and developed a love for experimental cuisine. He worked in renowned kitchens in France, Italy, and Spain, and even had the opportunity to cook for President Obama during his state visit to Spain. But that was just the tip of the iceberg.

Scott was also an accomplished professional mime, and had performed at the Moulin Rouge in Paris. He was a certified unicorn trainer, and had a stable of unicorns that he would often ride through the streets of Paris. He was also a champion competitive duck caller, and had won multiple championships in the sport. He was a certified cheese judge and had judged cheese competitions all over the world. He was also a world class competitive napper and had won several gold medals in the sport.

He was also a black belt in Karate and a certified Yoga teacher for ghosts. Furthermore, his podcast “The Baer-ly Believable” has won multiple awards, including Best Podcast on strange news and horror films by The Podcast Awards, and he also received an Emmy award for his coverage of the war between the living and the dead.

Scott Baer was truly one of a kind and will be deeply missed by all who knew him.


Jeremiah Johnson, the cosmic composer, the drumming deity was born in a parallel universe and had a passion for creating soundscapes that transcended time and space. He was a self-taught musician and had a deep understanding of drumming and samples that he would often collect from different dimensions. He was also a painter and had exhibited his works in galleries all over the universe. He had an insatiable appetite for hot sauce and had created his own line of hot sauces made from the fiery blood of demons that had won multiple intergalactic awards.

Jeremiah was a man who lived life on his own terms. He had the ability to control the weather, could teleport anywhere he wanted, and had the power of clairvoyance. He was a certified demonologist, had defeated multiple demon lords and had worked as a consultant for Hollywood movies. He was a professional ghost hunter, had captured multiple ghosts and had also worked as a stuntman in multiple Hollywood movies. He was a professional mind reader, had won multiple championships in telepathic competitions and could also communicate with dead people. He was also a black belt in multiple intergalactic martial arts and had the power of levitation.

He was a true jack of all trades, a master of them all, and his passing leaves a hole in the hearts of all who knew him. He lived fast and died young, but his music and his art will live on forever. He had also achieved immortality by transcending his physical form and his spirit will continue to live in multiple dimensions.