
lost at home

Episode 402 “Normalize the Butt Plug”

Future prisons of the mind, sneezing out intestines, hammer attacks, quicksand and tigers. Get Lost! 

lost at home

Episode 401 “Cook Your Bear All the Way”

Recorded in the immediate aftermath-ish of recording the bulk of episode 400, the fellas at Lost At Home bring a bite-sized episode to the table to cleanse the palate. Full episodes resume next week with all the Web Dropping goodness you’ve come to expect and fear. Get Lost!

Episode 400 “Lost At Home World”

Finally! After a summer-long delay, episode 400 is here. Get Lost!

Episode 399 “String Theory Cheese”

It’s halfway to Halloween, and Lost At Home is getting spoooooky with demon face disorders, drugs made from human bones and zombie cicadas. Get Lost!

lost at home

Episode 398 “Bottle Bangin’ Beetle”

This week’s web droppings include Ouija board Jesus, leprosy, chemtrails and Lego criminals, with a special appearance by Bruce Bruce for the Ig Nobel Prize. Get Lost!

lost at home

Episode 397 “Werehouse”

Black holes from hell, what’s a Werehouse, Tapeworms in the brain and Pythons ate my neighbors. Get Lost!

lost at home

Episode 396 “Less Pregnant Pastures”

Dog balls, mutant worms, gay whale porn and too many vaccines. Get Lost!

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Episode 395 “Australian Cuisine”

What is Australian cuisine? How did the Florida Games pan out? What did happen to those creemee monkies? Can I bang a toy dog? Are sword fights a responsible tool for education? All this answered this week on Lost at Home. Get Lost!

lost at home

Episode 394 “Monkey Bones”

It’s all about animals this week. From clam depression to mutant wolves, Lost at Home Podcast has it covered. Get Lost!


Episode 393 “Madden NFL: Final Destination Edition”

Does country music increase the risk of suicide? What are some of the weirdest best people placed on this year’s Super Bowl? These questions and absolutely no more than these questions are answered this week on Lost At Home. Get Lost!