Tag: halloween

lost at home

Episode 414 “Full Size Tide Pods”

It’s a little late in the year for New Year content, but it’s never too late for Pornhub’s 2024 Roundup! Get a run down of some of the kinkiest searches. In Web Droppings, Scott and Jer discuss “werewolf syndrome,” death by searching for Sasquatch, haggis’ return to the states and Santa in prison. Get Lost!

Episode 407 “Muppet Juggalo”

Halloween is here! On this last Halloween Month episode of 2024, Scott and Jer lean heavily on the Halloween trivia, each bringing a new game to the table, as fun, obscure horror news gets harder to come by as the election draws nearer. Get Lost!

lost at home

Episode 406 “Flip Cuck”

Another Halloween Week in the books! After some housekeeping and movie recommendations, Jer sets Scott up with a horror movie review game before Spider Web Droppings commences. There, we’ll learn about a real-life witch and her gruesome stew, a man who wakes up during organ harvesting and a traffic corpse. Get Lost!

Episode 321 ”The Shape Returns”

This week, Lost At Home interviews James Jude Courtney, AKA The Shape/Michael Myers from Halloween Kills, for a second time, digging into his work on the Halloween 2018 sequel and its release in the time of COVID. Get Lost!

Episode 318 ”Cum 0ut A$$, P00p 0ut D1ck”

It is Halloween Month proper and on week #1, Scott makes some vague promises about what to expect before we dive into some horror movie recommendations and bullet points. In Spider Web Droppings: Body Horror Edition, a man’s bodily exits get confused, a woman finds an incredible use for her missing eye and a woman…
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